Leaders in hospitality and restaurant management recruiting.
Located in Jupiter, Fl. Full Service Recruitment Firm.
Let us take this opportunity to introduce ourselves. We are Ocean Recruiting, a full-service recruitment firm based in Jupiter, Florida, USA.
Ocean Recruiting has extensive knowledge and experience in locating and placing management personnel in the hospitality and retail industries. The experience of each of our recruiters adds to our network of contacts in all levels of the industry. We recognize the best person for a job probably already has one. We know where the people are, and we know how to get them.
As professional recruiters, our responsibility is to serve all of our clients with integrity and competence.
(561) 744-8588
18487 SE Federal Hwy
at Blowing Rocks
Jupiter, FL 33469
Ocean Recruiting has extensive knowledge and experience in locating and placing management personnel in the hospitality and retail industries.
The experience of each of our recruiters adds to our network of contacts in all levels of the industry. We recognize the best person for a job probably already has one. We know where the people are, and we know how to get them.
At Ocean Recruiting, you can be assured that our goal is to meet and exceed your expectations. WE GUARANTEE IT. The service we provide our clients is an affordable and accountable way to fill your companies staffing needs.
Some of the advantages to having Ocean Recruiting help you with your recruiting needs:
We will find your managers in hard to hire areas.
We can save you time and money.
You interview only qualified candidates that fit your needs.
You know exactly what your per person / per hire costs are.
We offer a full range of pre-qualifying services from drug testing to complete background checks.
Ocean Recruiting can simplify your business life, when it comes to your personnel needs. Management placement on an "on call" basis is the most cost-effective way of addressing your staffing needs. Let us help you get staffed with high quality candidates.
If you :
Don't want to spend hours of your time scanning through useless resumes.
Want to meet this year's targeted management hire goal.
Need to hire one person or one hundred people.
Want to hire and retain the best people.
Want to increase the effectiveness and productivity of your supervisors and managers through quality candidates.
Job Seekers
Are you ready to take the next step in advancing your career?
Ocean Recruiting is here to help you make that happen. Just send us your resume and tell us about your particular area of expertise and interests. One of our staff recruiters will contact you about the exceptional career opportunities that can be made available to you.
We have a vast amount of resources and contacts available to help you find the position that you desire.
There is never a fee charged to you for our services. Our clients pay all of the fees.
Always Confidential.
Please note that resumes will not be presented anywhere without your permission. Just let us know the best way to contact you: by phone, fax or email.
Tips for a successful interview
Remember, after you answer each question ASK the interviewer the same or similar question regarding their company. This creates a "Ping Pong" effect and forces the interviewer to SLOW down and respond to your question before firing off another question to you.
EXAMPLE: You are asked to describe a typical day at work. Tell them how you prepare before going in, the things you automatically check first when you arrive; ie the bathrooms etc., how you plan your day, use your planner, make check lists so on and so on.... AND THEN finish by asking, what is a typical day like for the managers at ______?
Key things you should be comfortable talking about during a phone interview or in person with a recruiter or manager.
Be prepared to answer why you are interested in their company...And why you would leave your current employer. Remember they are looking to hire SHARP MANAGERS, that have done their homework on the company they are interviewing with. If you don't have enough facts about the company you are interviewing with, if you have not gone to their web-site, have not been to a unit, or talked with current successful managers for their company, PLEASE.... let me know immediately!
What are your strengths as a manager? This is where you sell yourself! They want to know that you are a leader, a person that is a good listener and respects others. A trainer and a coach of a winning team! A strong delegator. Someone who communicates well and takes responsibility. They want to know that you work with an ownership mentality and develop your crew to feel the same.
Have at least one example of how you impacted a guest. You may have purchased a meal for an unhappy customer, handled a crisis with grace, purchased drinks for guests that were overlooked on the waiting lists and ended up waiting way too long. Be specific.
Know Your stores P&L numbers and how you impact the numbers that your store is running. (Food Cost, Labor Cost) KNOW Teamwork, Teamwork, Teamwork is how things are accomplished and achieved!!! Great managers achieve their goals by creating and nurturing loyalty, challenge and an ownership mentality within their crew. Knowledge is power, the more a crew member understands how every things effects the bottom line, the more aware they will become of their own actions in the unit.
Following are operational questions you should write down in your own words. Please feel free to add other operational questions to your list and ask them during your interview. Be prepared to answer these questions regarding your own unit!
What is your goal for labor cost? Are you able to attain this number? If not, why?
What is your goal for food cost? Are you able to attain this number? If not, why?
Are sales currently trending upward or downward?
How is the staffing level for employees?
What is the percentage of employees groomed and developed into management VS management hired from the outside?
Scheduling for managers - How are the responsibilities for FOH and BOH delegated to the associate managers? ______days in FOH ? ______days in BOH(This question only applies to companies that don't have specific FOH & BOH mgrs)
If I am willing to relocate for the GM position, can I truly become a GM in less than 2 years?
District Manager Interview Questions
Who is your most successful manager and why?
If you have a struggling manager, what characteristics or traits do you see that contribute to them having difficulties? What are the steps being taken to help bring this manager up to the performance level needed for success?
Successful Dress Attire
FOR You GUYS - Crisp, clean, starched, WHITE button down shirt, plain WHITE undershirt a must ( chest hair may be sexy but we don't want to see it at the interview ) Solid red or yellow tie. (These are Power colors) Pressed slacks with nice belt. Dress shoe or loafer is fine. ( Shoes must be clean, or polished if necessary ) Smell good; just don't knock us out with the cologne
Clean Cut Appearance! Very little jewelry, take out any ear or facial jewelry for the interview. Facial hair neatly groomed! Clean finger nails a MUST!
Knowledge of why you want on board with this company, High Energy Level, Aggressive Career focused Attitude, Desire for upward mobility are all key to having a successful interview!
Remember, if you are being set up on interviews with multiple companies, it is very important that during each interview you remain focused on that particular company. A sure fire way to NOT BE PURSUED by a company is to state that the reason you are there at the interview is because a recruiter called and set you up an appointment.This is definitely an interview DON"T.!!!
Good luck!
Contact Us
Job Seekers
Call (561) 744–8588 from 9am – 6pm Monday through Friday
One of our recruiters will be able to help you.